Music Services Ltd. Apps

Радио 1.0.0
После регистрации основываясь навашивкусы строит радиостанцию.Сначала он анализирует песни, которые вы слушали на телефоне,беретинформацию о популярных треках с других радиостанций,анализируетваши “лайки” в станции и, таким образом, создается радиос вашимилюбимыми и новыми для вас песнями.Рекомендации в станции становятся лучше, когда в историистанцииотмечаете понравившиеся треки.Особенности* Простой дизайн;* Алгоритм персонализации и анализа вашего вкуса;* Информация на основе анализа 40 000 радиостанций;* Создание новой радиостанции на основе песни, играющейвплеере;* На основе “лайков” подбирает музыку более правильно;* Ваши музыкальные открытия.Приложение построено на базе технологии MusicSense.Технологияанализирует ваши вкусы, поведение, радиостанции вокругвас, вашипрослушивания, скипы, лайки и дислайки, время дня и многодругихпараметров и подбирает для вас новую музыку.Популярные радиостанции, на основе которых Sok.fmполучаетинформацию о новых песнях для вас:Русское РадиоЛав РадиоЕвропа Плюс;Радио Релакс;Радио Энерджи;Хит фм;Релакс фм;Energy fm и много много других.After registrationSok.fmbased on your tastes builds radio station.First, it analyzes the songs you listened to on the phonetakesabout popular tracks from other radio stations, analyzesyour"likes" in the station and, thus, creates a radio withyourfavorite and new songs for you.Recommendations stations are getting better when in thehistoryof the station mark your favorite tracks.Features* Simple design;* Algorithm analysis and personalization to your taste;* Information based on the analysis of 40 000 radio stations;* Creating a new station on the basis of the song that plays intheplayer;* On the basis of "likes" selects music morecorrectly;* Your musical discoveries.The application is built on the basis of MusicSensetechnology.The technology analyzes your tastes, behavior, radiostationsaround you, your listening, skip, huskies and dislayki,time of dayand many other parameters and selects for you newmusic.Popular radio station on which receives information onnewsongs for you:Russian radioLove RadioEuropa Plus;Radio Relax;Radio Energy;Hit fm;Relax fm;Energy fm and many many others.
Musicsense - Music Streaming 1.1.20
MusicSense is a personalized music streaming app with deep userunderstanding which brings you the best music from radio stations.What if listening to the best playlist with all your favorite songsand artists was just one click away? Music Sense is a moderntechnology for music recommendations. Music Sense knows your musictastes and gives you the exact song, artist or genre you want tolisten to. It is your personalized radio, that evolves with you andgives you the best music you want to play for every moment. It is aplaylist maker that allows you to discover new music and listen toyour old favorite songs. All it takes is one click. This playlistmaker feeds you personalized music suggestions based on yourlocation, music preferences, and previous activity. With MusicSenseyou will have your life's soundtrack. Why is MusicSense different?• You get your own personal music playlist from the beginning. •This smart playlist is created based on your music preferences.MusicSense automatically reviews the radio stations near you, yourmusic collection, your plays, likes, dislikes and skips. • It istime saving, just press play and MusicSense will feed you the musicyou like. • You can create a new playlist by clicking on a song orby typing an artist, album or genre into the search field. •Discover new music you are going to love in an easy and effortlessway. • Smart design and easy to use interface. • Ad free • You haveunlimited skips. Features: • Use the Like and Dislike button toimprove your smart playlist • Generate new music feed from everysong, artist, album or genre. • Add songs to Favorites by pressingthe ‘star’ button, and edit the list at any time. • Listen offlineto the songs you add to Favorites. Love MusicSense? Like us onFacebook Follow us onTwitter Follow us on Instagram